*** UPDATE – 5:02AM 5/25/2023 ***
The upstream provider has resolved their outage! UltraWISP services are back up and running!

There is a known service outage. This outage is not due to a failure in our systems, but upstream in the fiber network between us and the internet at large.

The upstream carrier that supplies the fiber uplink connection to our network has had some kind of issue that has caused a wider area outage. They were performing scheduled system maintenance that should NOT have impacted our area, yet did. Their planned ETA to finish the scheduled maintenance is 6am – however – as this related outage was not planned – we’ll see. I will post updates in the morning when I know more.

I understand that this is causing everyone difficulties and appreciate your patience while we wait for these repairs to be made.

Thank you!
Andrew Meador


  • 12.14AM – 5/25/2023
    • Outage began – ETA for resolution is 6AM
  • 5:02AM – 5/25/2023
    • Outage resolved