RESOLVED – System Wide Outage
*** Update – 4:15PM 1/11/2024 ***The upstream provider has resolved their outage! UltraWISP services are back up and running! There is a known service outage. This outage is not due to a failure in our systems, but upstream in the fiber network between us and the internet at large. There is a reporting error on this […]
RESOLVED – System Wide Outage
*** UPDATE – 5:02AM 5/25/2023 ***The upstream provider has resolved their outage! UltraWISP services are back up and running! There is a known service outage. This outage is not due to a failure in our systems, but upstream in the fiber network between us and the internet at large. The upstream carrier that supplies the fiber […]
RESOLVED – St. George – DMP Outage
*** UPDATE – 11:06PM 5/11/2023 *** The router has been powered up and UltraWISP services for St. George DMP are back up and running! There is a known service outage. This is an unplanned outage for the southern area of St. George (DMP Point of Presence) related to an accidental shutdown of the Point of Presence […]
RESOLVED – System Wide Outage
*** UPDATE – 12:35PM 5/11/2023 *** The upstream fiber line has been repaired! UltraWISP services are back up and running! There is a known service outage. This outage is not due to a failure in our systems, but upstream in the fiber network between us and the internet at large. The upstream carrier that supplies the […]
RESOLVED – System Wide Outage
*** UPDATE – 10:15PM 2/8/2023 ***The upstream fiber line has been repaired! UltraWISP services are back up and running! There is a known service outage. This outage is not due to a failure in our systems, but upstream in the fiber network between us and the internet at large. The upstream carrier that supplies the […]
RESOLVED – System Wide Degraded State
*** UPDATE – 7:30PM 2/1/2023 ***DNS Systems are now operating normally and all systems should be operational now. A DNS resolution issue is causing intermittent access to internet content – websites, cell phone apps, etc. This is presenting itself by some things working fine, to being very slow, or not working at all. It appears […]